The leaders of Xingtang County came to inspect the development and future planning of Gangxin Metal Co., Ltd.

The leaders of Xingtang County came to inspect the development and future planning of Gangxin Metal Co., Ltd. and expressed their understanding and support for the local enterprises.  The inspection was led by the Chairman of the Xingtang County CPPCC, and was attended by all members of the CPPCC Standing Committee, as well as research teams from the Development and Reform Bureau, the Finance and Taxation Bureau, and the State Administration of Taxation.

During the visit, the president of Gangxin Metal Co., Ltd. gave a comprehensive explanation of the company's development layout and future plans.  This includes an in-depth understanding of the company's strategic direction, expansion plans and efforts to contribute to the local economy.  The leadership and research team were able to gain valuable insights into the company’s vision and its role in the county’s industrial landscape.

As part of the inspection, the research team had the opportunity to visit the production workshop and inspection laboratories.  This hands-on experience allowed them to see first-hand the company's operations and gain a deeper understanding of the company's manufacturing processes and quality control measures.  This visit also provided the leadership and research team with the opportunity to have direct contact with the company's employees, further strengthening the connection between the local government and the business community.

This inspection established a platform for constructive dialogue and cooperation between the county leaders and Gangxin Metal Co., Ltd., and provided an in-depth understanding of the company's operating conditions and future plans, which will help the county leaders and the research team provide better support and create good cooperation.  environment.  Provide a good environment for local businesses to thrive.

Overall, the visit underscored the county’s commitment to creating an environment conducive to business growth and development.  By actively engaging with local businesses to gain a deeper understanding of their needs and desires, county leaders have demonstrated their dedication to driving economic progress and creating sustainable development opportunities in Xingtang County.微信图片_20240808115708

Post time: Aug-08-2024